The information of the web has been updated.
Classification absolut of II. Zegama-Aizkorri Kilometro Bertikala
Here you have the absolut classification of KB.
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Here you have the absolut classification of KB.
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Here you have the schedule of KB race.
Warning: Obligation to wear a rain jacket: The ISF federation cautions to all those who participate that they must wear a rain jacket in the competition.
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Here you have some important tips for the race day:
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Here you have the list of participants for Zegama-Aizkorri Mendi Maratoia 2016
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Here are the lists of pre-registered.
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The information of the web has been updated.
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All the classifications of Zegama-Aizkorri Mendi Maratoia, Junior Trail and KB are available here:
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Here you have the schedule departure of KV 2015:
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Here you have some important tips for the race day:
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Message from our supplier ETIXX SPORTS NUTRITION.
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Here you have the list of participants for Zegama-Aizkorri Mendi Maratoia 2015
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The next friday, February 27th, in the afternoon the draw is going to take place to assign the 225 dorsals of the race.